Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Study of the Leadership of CEOs at Apple - 5698 Words

A Study of the Leadership of CEOs at Apple Table of Contents Background information Page 3 4 Michael Scott Page 5 6 Mike Markkula Page 7 8 John Scully Page 8, 9 10 Michael Spindler Page 10, 11 12 Gil Amelio Page 12, 13 14 Steve Jobs Page 15, 16 17 Tim Cook Page 17, 18 19 References Page 20 – 27 Background Information Apple is a company that everyone in the world knows about today, and most people own at least one Apple product, but Apple did not start out as a huge company. It started out with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak working on computers in the garage of Steve Jobs. Jobs and Wozniak†¦show more content†¦Steve Jobs then returned to Apple as a special consultant after being gone from the company for almost twelve years (Apple Computer, Inc. History). Taking a closer look at the chief executive officers over Apple’s history will give us an even closer look at Apple as a company throughout its history. Michael Scott (1977 to 1981) Michael Scott was born on February 11, 1945. Prior to Apple, Michael Scott was director of manufacturing at Fairchild Semiconductor where he met Mike Markkula who was Apple s first investor. The two became good friends and Markkula asked Scott to join Apple to become Apples first CEO. Mike Markkula brought Scott to Apple to do the â€Å"adult things† in the company. He brought professional management and corporate infrastructure to Apple(Yarow, 2001). At this time the two founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were too inexperienced to manage such position . Michael Scott joined Apple in 1977, and become employee number five, also known as â€Å"Scotty†. Since he assigned the numbers he decided to give himself the seven so that people could call him employee 007. In August of the same year Apple had their first positive cash flow. In this year they made their first profit of $50,000. From this moment forward, the company started to pay taxes, and paid off all of their loans (Yarow, 2011). Michael Scott hired Apples first secretary as well as accountant. The companyShow MoreRelatedWorld Leaders1410 Words   |  6 PagesWorld Leaders Melissa Edwards MGT 380 Leadership for Organizations January 6, 2012 Great World Leaders When I think of great world leaders, certain characteristics and traits come to mind. For someone to be considered a great world leader, they need to have done something special, something that changed society in a major way. Great leaders are not afraid of change or being shunned by society. When I think of great world leaders, I think of Steve Jobs, Apple, CEO because he was passionate about hisRead MoreCase Study: Steve Jobs Apples1584 Words   |  7 PagesCase Study: Steve Jobs amp; Apple Sharell Byrd HSC_6304 July 8, 2012 Dr. Samantha Murray Abstract Steve Jobs success story began in 1976 when he and a friend built the first personal computer. 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